The house that Zuck built is reportedly in the process of bringing its desktop site's share feature to mobile, which will allow Facebook users to retweet repost and comment on content from within their news feeds. Currently available on Facebook's mobile website, this Twitteresque option will soon make its way to the company's iOS and Android apps. Whenever a person shares something, it will credit the source of the information by attaching the original poster's name to the status update. It's too early to tell how the addition of a share button will affect how people "like" posts; however, once this feature becomes widely available to Facebook's 604 million-plus mobile users, news feeds are likely to be flooded with even more pictures of cats, food and grandchildren than ever before. Bet you didn't think that was possible, but rest assured it's a comin'.
Filed under: Internet
Facebook adding share feature to its iOS and Android apps originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 14 Nov 2012 20:59:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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